You can heal everything with an onion
This statement is maybe exaggerating, but the truth is that the onion can do wonders when it comes to our health and how many diseases it can treat. It is amazing thing just how many folk and home remedies are including onion. Remedies for fevers, burns, warts and even cancer are including onion in their prescriptions.
Medicinal qualities of the onion:
The quercetin is a flavonoid and is the main reason why onions are included in so many folk remedies. The red onions are including the highest amounts of quercetin and it can be found mostly on the part closest to the root and in its external rings which are nearest to the skin. Also the white and yellow onions are recommended in some home remedies. Quercetin has potent antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antihistamine and anti-cholesterol properties. Onions also have the ability to eliminate the toxins from our bodies, thanks to the strong antibiotic properties. You should use them in their raw form in order to get all of their medicinal benefits.
Important note: If you intend to use food as medicine, you should use food that has been grown organically and locally. The onions that you can find in the markets aren’t grown organically and have traveled long distance which surely decreases their nutritional value. Keep in mind that the organic, locally grown onions will be the best for your homemade remedies.
Onions are helpful against the cold
You have probably heard that the onions are very effective against colds. You can eat whole raw onion after the first symptom of cold or drink a tea from boiled onion with ginger and honey. While eating raw onion you will cleanse your sinuses at the same moment and the onion tea works like potent antibiotic elixir that calms painful throat.
Onions are helpful against fever
Maybe it is a little bit strange to treat fever with an onion, but the people who tried it are very confident in it. In order to reduce high fever, you should do the following:
* Place grated potatoes, grated onions and a hint of minced garlic in a pair of socks.
* Wear those socks
* Apply a towel macerated in apple cider vinegar on your forehead.
Your temperature will surely decrease in the next hour.
Onions are helpful against cough
In order to treat cough you should prepare the following recipe:
* Strip off one large onion and cut it in half
* Cover the tops of the halves with ½ tablespoons of brown sugar
* Leave it to rest for one hour and then collect the syrupy contents from the dish.
* Take it twice in a day.
The brown sugar draws out the medicinal juice of the onion and makes the syrup more acceptable. Many people are avoiding the cough syrups. The people who used this syrup claim that it is very helpful, natural and inexpensive.
You can also drink the juice of an onion mixed with honey. The honey will calm your cough while the onion juice is a potent antibiotic.
Onions for earaches and wax build up
Have you ever felt a pain in your ear? Or maybe you had wax accumulated inside? In case you are suffering from these problems you should put an onion in your ear. You should put the inner most portion, known as the heart of the onion. Do it before sleeping. In the morning you will feel better because of the anti-inflammatory characteristics of the onion. The ear wax will be easier to remove thanks to the onion juice.
Onions to remove an eye irritant
You know that the onion will make you cry like no one else. This makes it great for removing some irritant out of your eye when the tears will start to flow. Your eye shouldn’t come in contact with the onion because it will make the things even worse.
Onions to heal a cut
Many people are running to their first aid kit for a band aid and some medicated ointment every time they get a cut. But, you can also take one onion and slice it in a half. Then apply its juice on your cut which will disable any infection. Then use the translucent onion skin and apply it over the cut in order to cover it. The bleeding will stop very soon and you will keep your cut protected. In case your cut is larger, you should put small gauze to fix the onion skin in place. You should change the onion skin twice a day until you cure your cut.
Onion juice to heal surgical wounds
Not only it can cure small cuts, the onion is effective in healing some larger incisions too. The onion continues to amaze us with its healing benefits. You probably couldn’t imagine that an onion will heal you quicker in hospital than a heap of drugs could. No one can understand why the hospitals and the conventional medicine have not
accepted the natural remedies like this. This is because the medications are more profitable than onions.
This remedy is simple and powerful. All you need to do is to rub an onion on your incision and you will be surprised by the results. The body will heal the wound quicker with the help of the antibiotic and anti-inflammatory characteristics of the onion without using any drugs. You will prevent the appearing of scars too.
Onions are helpful for removing infection
If you suffer from infected cut, insect bite or cellulitis, you should try the following onion paste:
* Boil some milk and pour it on a thin slice of white bread
* Chop an onion on the top of the bread
* Mash it and make a paste
* Clean the affected place well
* Put the paste on the affected place
* Be still and leave the paste to stiffen and draw out the infection.
You shouldn’t break the seal. In just several hours the infection will begin to come out of your body. Do this procedure twice in a day until the infection is gone.
Onions to heal a burn
In case you have burnt yourself while cooking, you should use an onion. All you need to do is to cut it on a half and apply it on your burned place for two minutes. The onion will calm and heal your burn. In order to enhance the healing you should beat some egg whites and put them on the burned place and allow it to form a protective layer. Then cover it with gauze. Clean the burnt place and replace the gauze when it is needed. You will be amazed how quick your burn will be cured. The chances of appearing some scar are reduced to minimum.
Onion to soothe bee stings and other insect bites
In case you are stung by a bee or wasp, you should first take off the stinger by scraping over your skin with your nails or credit card. Do not compress it with your nails because it will only release more venom into your body. When the stinger is removed you should apply a little bit of fine chopped or crumpled white onion. Because of the onion’s potent anti-inflammatory characteristics the swelling will be decreased. The onions are also acting like a natural antihistamine.
This is a collection of easy ideas that you may not have thought of yourself. If you use any of these suggestions, please let me know your testimony. Thanks for reading..
Saturday, August 15, 2015
Wednesday, August 12, 2015
Pumpkin Cake...MMMM MMMM MMMMM
The Pumpkin Cake Recipe
4 eggs
1 2/3 c. sugar
1 c. cooking oil
1 large can pumpkin
2 c. flour (whole wheat works GREAT)
2 tsp. baking powder
2 tsp. cinnamon
1 tsp salt
1 tsp. soda
4 eggs
1 2/3 c. sugar
1 c. cooking oil
1 large can pumpkin
2 c. flour (whole wheat works GREAT)
2 tsp. baking powder
2 tsp. cinnamon
1 tsp salt
1 tsp. soda
6 oz. cream cheese
3/4 c. butter
1 1/2 tsp. vanilla
3 c. powdered sugar
6 oz. cream cheese
3/4 c. butter
1 1/2 tsp. vanilla
3 c. powdered sugar
Preheat oven to 350°. Beat eggs, sugar, oil, and pumpkin. Stir in dry ingredients. Mix well. Bake for 30-35 minutes in a 9×13 ungreased pan. Mix together frosting ingredients and pour on top. EAT AND ENJOY!
Preheat oven to 350°. Beat eggs, sugar, oil, and pumpkin. Stir in dry ingredients. Mix well. Bake for 30-35 minutes in a 9×13 ungreased pan. Mix together frosting ingredients and pour on top. EAT AND ENJOY!
Food Storage Substitutions for your pantry or cupboard...

Water Conservation Tips
Today I share 16 ways to conserve water in in your home. We’ll begin in the bathroom since interestingly enough, that is where 75% of all household water is used.
16 Tips to Help You Conserve Water
1. Do not keep the bathroom faucet running.
The faucet at the bathroom sink does not need to be running continuously while you brush your teeth, wash your face, or shave. You will save between three and five gallons of water each minute your faucet is turned off. That is a lot of water! Instead, use the stopper on the sink and drain the basin when you are done.
2. Only flush when needed.
The toilet is not a wastepaper basket for tissues, cotton balls, or other bits of trash. Even better, flush the solids every single time but alternate flushing the liquids.The prepper’s motto is ‘yellow, let it mellow’, ‘brown, flush it down’.
3. Flush using less water.
Most toilets installed before 1980 use 5 to 7 gallons of water per flush. Toilets installed between 1980 and 1993 use 3.5 gallons per flush. Toilets installed since 1994 use 1.6 gallons.If you happen to have an older toilet, consider filling a used soda bottle or jar with water and small pebbles or marbles and place it upright in the tank. This will cut down on the amount of water that flows through the tank with each flush. Just be careful not to place the bottle where it will jam the flushing mechanism. Also, make sure you don’t displace so much water that you have to double-flush.Double flushing wastes more water than you would save.
4. Check for leaky faucets and toilets.
It is easy to replace worn washers and since a small leak can waste many gallons of water a day, it is well worth the effort to test for leaks now.The way to test for toilet leaks is to put a few drops of food coloring in the tank to see if the colored water appears in the bowl. This takes about 10 minutes. If the water color changes, you have a leak. Not to worry, though. Most leaks can be repaired with a kit that you can pick up at your local hardware store or on Amazon.You can find a lot of information on toilets and toilet repairs at the Toiletology 101 website, including a free course on toilet repairs.Keep in mind that little leaks can add up quickly. A faucet drip or invisible toilet leak that totals only two tablespoons a minute comes to 15 gallons a day. That’s 105 gallons a week or 5,460 wasted gallons of water a year.Are you wondering how long the parts in your toilet tank should last? The answer is: it depends. Replaceable parts such as flappers and washers or seals inside the refill valve may last several years. However factors such as water treatment processes, toilet bowl cleaners, and high water pressure can cause parts to disintegrate much sooner. If you touch the flapper and get black “goo” on your hands, the flapper needs to be replaced.
5. Check for hidden water leaks.
Check for hidden water leaks elsewhere in your home by reading your water meter. What you do is read the house water meter before and after a two-hour period when no water is being used. If the meter does not read exactly the same, there is a leak.
6. Take short showers.
Bathing and showering consume huge amounts of water. One good way to conserve is to turn the water off while you soap up. I get too cold doing that so instead, I have installed a water saving shower head. Another option is to limit the length of your shower to 5 minutes or less. Reducing your shower time by only 1 minute can save up to 1,000 gallons of water a year.
7. When you take a bath, use lots of bubble bath.
I kid you not. Stop up the tub, add a copious amount of bubble bath and add just a few inches of water. It is totally an illusion but it will seem as though the water is higher than it really is. In addition, remember to plug the tub before turning on water; that initial burst of cold water will be warmed later by adding hot water.
8. Refrigerate drinking water to keep it cold.
Like your drinking water cold? Keep a bottle or carafe of drinking water in the refrigerator so that you do not have to leave the faucet running while getting a cold drink. Personally, I prefer my drinking water a room temperature.
9. Use kitchen water wisely.
In the kitchen, don’t let the faucet run when you scrub vegetables or prepare other foods. Put a stopper in the sink instead. Likewise, do not use running water to thaw meat or other frozen foods. Defrost food overnight in the refrigerator or place it in a bowl of hot water instead.
10. Compost food scraps.
Instead of using a garbage disposal that requires running water to operate, start and use a compost pile. Your garden will love you for it. Here are 80 things you can compost that might surprise you.
11. Be prudent when preserving pipes in freezing weather.
Most people know that you can leave some water running in order to prevent pipes from freezing in cold weather. Except for the most extreme of situations, all you need is a very thin trickle of water running to accomplish that goal.
12. Use your washer and dishwasher for full loads only.
When doing laundry in a washing machine, run full loads only. The same applies to dishes in a dishwasher.Hint: Instead of pre-washing dishes before putting them in the dishwasher, spray them with a mixture of Dr. Bronner’s Magic Soap and water (3 tablespoons per quart of water). Sponge or brush off the excess food, perhaps using a bit more of your spray. No additional water is needed.
13. Install inexpensive faucet aerators in your bathroom and kitchen.
If you can bathe your whole body with a showerhead that uses less than 2.5 gallons per minute, why use up to 7 gallons just to wash your hands in the sink?An inexpensive faucet aerator that supplies 2.5 gallons per minute should be fine in the kitchen. In the bathroom, a 1-gallon-per-minute aerator will provide plenty of water to brush your teeth, wash your hands.
14. Water plants deeply but less frequently.
When watering your plants, deep soak each time you water. Many people water lightly and frequently, causing a shallow root system.Watering deeply and infrequently creates a healthy root system that is better equipped to withstand heat and drought. Also, use watering cans, whenever possible, especially when watering just a few patio plants. Watering with a hose may actually put more water on the patio than in the containers as you move from plant to plant.Even better, If you must use water on your outdoor plantings, consider using rain water or a grey water system.
15. Use buckets of water instead of a hose.
Use buckets when washing your car instead of letting the water from the hose run continuously. Your vehicle will become just as clean and when you are done, a quick rinse will whisk away the final remnants of dirt.This same process works with washing outdoor furniture, patios, and just about everything else.
16. Repurpose shower water.
This last tip came from a Backdoor Survival reader. Here is what he said.Living in North Carolina, during this drought, I heard an excellent idea to conserve water. While taking your shower, place a 5-gallon bucket (readily available at any home improvement store) in the tub with you, right by the drain. As you shower, some of the water will end up in the bucket, instead of going down the drain.
Baking Soda In Your Home
The one item that I can’t do without when I clean is baking soda. I use it for so many things, if I don’t have a box of it around I’ll make a special trip to the store 5 miles away just as I would if I were out of a mainstay like milk.
What do I use so much baking soda for? Here are my top 10 uses of baking soda for cleaning in the home:
A commonly available mineral full of many cleaning attributes, baking soda is made from soda ash, and is slightly alkaline (it’s pH is around 8.1; 7 is neutral). It neutralizes acid-based odors in water, and absorbs odors from the air.
- Drain cleaner: Pour one cup down the drain followed by three cups of boiling water.
- Chemical smells out of clothes: Soak clothes for two to three hours or overnight, in one cup of baking soda. Agitate the machine occasionally. Repeat if necessary. Wash as usual. (This method is great for removing the new smell out of clothes.)
- Cat urine: Alternate sprinkling baking soda, which will neutralize acid odors, with white distilled vinegar.
- Dog odors and urine: Sprinkle with baking soda. Let set for a few hours before sweeping up.
- Silver polish: Make a paste of baking soda and water, scoop some onto a clean, soft rag, and polish the silver. Rinse and polish dry.
- Soft scrubber: Pour about 1/2 cup of baking soda into a bowl and add enough liquid soap or detergent to make a texture like frosting. Scoop onto a sponge and clean the bathtub or tiles. Rinse.
- Scouring powder: Simply sprinkle baking soda into a sink and scrub.
- Oven cleaner: Sprinkle baking soda onto the bottom of the oven. Squirt with enough water that the baking soda is damp. Let set overnight, making sure the baking soda is damp before you go to bed. In the morning, simply scoop the baking soda and grime out with a sponge. Rinse.
- Refrigerator deodorizer: Place an open box in the back of the fridge. It will “absorb” odors, which means that it will draw odors to the baking soda molecules.
- Cutting board deodorizer: Sprinkle the cutting board with baking soda, scrub, rinse.
Sunday, August 2, 2015
Sneaky Ways To Hide Eyesores
Collage of Art
Thermostats, light switches, and outlets that stick out like sore thumbs blend into the background when you build a gallery wall around them, like Emily at Jones Design Company did.
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Book Cover
Being wirelessly connected to the Internet sure requires a lot of wires, huh? Ana Maria Munoz hid her router in a vintage book cover, and doesn't find that it interferes with her signal.
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Stylish TV Cover
Yes, you can have your precious TV and a chic mantel, too. Lia Griffith painted a canvas in soft twilight hues to hide her ugly black box when it's off.
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Shutter Style
You can't get rid of your utility meters (no matter how much your wallet would thank you), but you can stop them from uglying up your garden. Try some cute shutters, like Diana did. Her meter is read remotely, but this cover up is easy enough to remove if necessary.
Pretty Patterns
Victoria at Confessions of a New-Old Home Owner was less than pleased with the wire shelving that comes standard in most pantries. But for just $12, she made fabric shelf covers that instantly transformed the look.
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20 Unusual Uses For Honey
It was brought to my attention last week that September is in fact National Honey Month. Honey gets an entire month all to itself? Why yes, it certainly does.
Turns out that Americans consume 1.5 pounds of honey per person annually, and there are more than 300 types of honey in the United States alone. That's impressive, and we figured that if honey gets to be honored all month long, the least we could do is give you 20 different uses for it. Enjoy!
and you'll quickly be on your way to being parasite free.10. Clean your cuts and scrapesHoney can actually be used as an antiseptic, like a natural Neosporin. Because of its many antimicrobial properties, it can be used to treat wounds and even burns.
11. Get rid of your hangoverForget a morning of popping ibuprofen, spread some honey on your toast or add some to your tea. Because honey is loaded with fructose, it will help speed up the metabolism of alcohol.
12. Clear up your dry elbowsNothing's worse than scratchy elbows (no really) so next time, after you've washed and scrubbed, rub some honey on to soften the skin. Leave on for 30 minutes then wash off.
13. Soften your skinHoney is an excellent exfoliant. You can pair it with ground almonds and lemon juice for a killer homemade facial scrub.
14. Mix a drinkAfter you've been busy reaping all the health benefits that honey has to offer, it's time to celebrate, and what better way than with a good ole cocktail. Honey Gin Cocktail? Bring it.

15. Eat the honeycomb. No really, just do it. Yes, it can be done! One of our fave food bloggers Clotilde Dusoulier, of Chocolate & Zucchini, put the ingredient to her readers and got some fun responses. The best sounding one? Mix it with crunchy peanut butter on toast.
16. Get an energy boost
Feeling a tad lethargic? Skip the coffee and go for the honey instead. Mix a tablespoon into a cup of tea and you'll be feeling better in no time.
17. Beautify your hairIn the shower, after you wash your, coat the ends with a bit of honey. Let it sit for a few minutes before rinsing out and you'll find that your hair is less frizzy and extra conditioned. Or make your hair shiny and bright by adding one teaspoon honey to one quart of water, and after washing your hair, pouring the mixture over your head. Let dry and enjoy your new-found shiny do.
18. Preserve fruitJam is so five years ago; show you're truly cutting edge by preserving your fruits in a honey sauce. All it takes is one part honey to ten parts water and then covering your berries. Pretty much the closest you're ever going to get to bottling up a little bit of summer.

19. Relax in the tub
Add a few tablespoons of honey to your bath, for sweeter smelling, softer feeling water. Pure bliss.
20. Lose weightWell, what were you expecting? With a list this long it had to be pretty apparent that honey is in fact a wonder food, and as it turns out, you can even make it part of your next weight loss plan. Honey is an excellent substitute for sugar and it also helps speed up metabolism. Just remember: all things in moderation.
Turns out that Americans consume 1.5 pounds of honey per person annually, and there are more than 300 types of honey in the United States alone. That's impressive, and we figured that if honey gets to be honored all month long, the least we could do is give you 20 different uses for it. Enjoy!
1. Put it on your lips
Did you know that making your own lip balm is as easy as tracking down some almond oil, beeswax and honey? Sure is. Makes you feel a little guilty about that $10 version you picked up at the health food store yesterday, doesn't it?
2. Make your own honey moisturizer
If you've got a handful of sweet smelling herbs -- think lavender -- laying around and ready to be used, why not use them for your own homemade honey lotion? Warm honey over a saucepan until it gets to a liquid consistency. Pour honey over herbs and cap tightly; the ratio you want to use is 1 tablespoon of herbs per 8 ounces of honey. Let sit for a week and then mix 1 teaspoon of liquid into an 8 ounce bottle of unscented lotion.
3. Eat it with goat cheese
In need of a classy hors d'oeuvre but lacking in the time department? Try this: put a round of goat cheese in a ramekin, sprinkle honey and chopped walnuts on top and place in oven at 350F until honey and cheese are both soft. Serve with baguette or crackers and you'll be the life of the party.
4. Prepare for the end of the world
5. Drink it
We all know a drop of honey in tea is good for a sore throat, but you can add it to most drinks for an extra energy boost. And simply because it's a whole lot better than tossing in a few Sweet 'N Lows.
6. Make a salad
One of my favorite and easiest fruit salads uses just a touch of honey to enhance the sugars in the fruit, and it's a perfect late summer dessert.
- 1 cantaloupe, chopped
- 3 nectarines, chopped
- 4 tablespoons chopped basil
- 2 tablespoons honey
Mix together and enjoy!
7. Give yourself a facial
Honey is a natural humectant with antimicrobial properties, which means your skin will be happy when you give it some sweet honey love. Try a basic honey wash by mixing a dollop of honey and two tablespoons of warm water and massaging the mixture into your skin. Or you can go all out and try the Cucumber Honey Facial.
8. Go the extra mile
Forget energy bars and shots, just pop a tablespoon of honey before your next workout. Seriously, it has been proven to boost athletic performance.
9. Remove parasites
Got a post-Southeast Asia backpacking trip bug that just won't leave you alone? Mix up a good blend of honey, water and vinegarand you'll quickly be on your way to being parasite free.10. Clean your cuts and scrapesHoney can actually be used as an antiseptic, like a natural Neosporin. Because of its many antimicrobial properties, it can be used to treat wounds and even burns.
11. Get rid of your hangoverForget a morning of popping ibuprofen, spread some honey on your toast or add some to your tea. Because honey is loaded with fructose, it will help speed up the metabolism of alcohol.
12. Clear up your dry elbowsNothing's worse than scratchy elbows (no really) so next time, after you've washed and scrubbed, rub some honey on to soften the skin. Leave on for 30 minutes then wash off.
13. Soften your skinHoney is an excellent exfoliant. You can pair it with ground almonds and lemon juice for a killer homemade facial scrub.
14. Mix a drinkAfter you've been busy reaping all the health benefits that honey has to offer, it's time to celebrate, and what better way than with a good ole cocktail. Honey Gin Cocktail? Bring it.
16. Get an energy boost
Feeling a tad lethargic? Skip the coffee and go for the honey instead. Mix a tablespoon into a cup of tea and you'll be feeling better in no time.
17. Beautify your hairIn the shower, after you wash your, coat the ends with a bit of honey. Let it sit for a few minutes before rinsing out and you'll find that your hair is less frizzy and extra conditioned. Or make your hair shiny and bright by adding one teaspoon honey to one quart of water, and after washing your hair, pouring the mixture over your head. Let dry and enjoy your new-found shiny do.
18. Preserve fruitJam is so five years ago; show you're truly cutting edge by preserving your fruits in a honey sauce. All it takes is one part honey to ten parts water and then covering your berries. Pretty much the closest you're ever going to get to bottling up a little bit of summer.
Add a few tablespoons of honey to your bath, for sweeter smelling, softer feeling water. Pure bliss.
20. Lose weightWell, what were you expecting? With a list this long it had to be pretty apparent that honey is in fact a wonder food, and as it turns out, you can even make it part of your next weight loss plan. Honey is an excellent substitute for sugar and it also helps speed up metabolism. Just remember: all things in moderation.
Friday, July 31, 2015
Plantar Fasciitis: The Why and What To Do
Plantar fasciitis can bring down even the strongest men. In sports, we see athlete after athlete sidelined because of this particular malady — a maddening diagnosis that can make one dread just getting out of bed to walk to the bathroom. It can be excruciating, and follows you around with no respite.
For as common as plantar fasciitis is, little is understood in the medical field about the causes of it. There is, however, consensus on what it is technically, an irritation or inflammation in the plantar fascia often accompanied by tiny tears in the fascia itself. While I agree that plantar fasciitis is an overuse injury, I have my own theory on the true cause.
In clinical work, I have seen plantar fasciitis develop because people are not using their posterior chain efficiently while walking or running. I see two main issues associated with this foot pain: lack of hip extension and/or overuse of the soleus (your lower calf muscle), both of which cause your feet to get tight and your plantar fascia to overwork. Step after step, day after day, your gait is not efficient and forces are not transferred properly through the body, leading to injury.
Almost everyone needs to open up their hip flexors. We all know that sitting too much is wreaking havoc on our bodies, and there has been a spate of articles detailing all of the disheartening facts. In addition to all the other issues, tight hip flexors will cause a lack of hip extension and cause glutes to work inefficiently.
Here's a routine that will release your hip flexors, soleus, and get you back on track:
RELATED: Sitting, the Most Unhealthy Thing You Do
Hip Flexor ReleaseFor this release, use two lacrosse balls taped together.
For as common as plantar fasciitis is, little is understood in the medical field about the causes of it. There is, however, consensus on what it is technically, an irritation or inflammation in the plantar fascia often accompanied by tiny tears in the fascia itself. While I agree that plantar fasciitis is an overuse injury, I have my own theory on the true cause.
In clinical work, I have seen plantar fasciitis develop because people are not using their posterior chain efficiently while walking or running. I see two main issues associated with this foot pain: lack of hip extension and/or overuse of the soleus (your lower calf muscle), both of which cause your feet to get tight and your plantar fascia to overwork. Step after step, day after day, your gait is not efficient and forces are not transferred properly through the body, leading to injury.
Here's a routine that will release your hip flexors, soleus, and get you back on track:
RELATED: Sitting, the Most Unhealthy Thing You Do
Hip Flexor ReleaseFor this release, use two lacrosse balls taped together.
- Lay on your stomach and place the double lacrosse ball just below your hip bone.
- Lean a tolerable amount of weight onto the lacrosse balls.
- Bend the knee on the side of the release back to a 90 degree angle.
- Swing your leg side to side in a tolerable range of motion.
- Repeat this in 30-second to two-minute intervals.
- Holding two dumbbells, lie with your upper back flat on a bench or table with your legs and low back off the edge and feet on the ground.
- Place the dumbbell on your hips.
- Dip your glutes down and then thrust back up, squeezing your glutes through the movement.
- To make it more challenging, add a band around your knees just below the knee.
- Sit with your calf on top of the lacrosse ball.
- Place your other leg over the one you are releasing and roll yourself up and down over the ball.
- Once you find a spot that is tender, stop and point your foot up and down for 30 seconds.
- Standing with a lacrosse ball or golf ball: Place the ball on the bottom of your foot.
- With weight placed through your leg, gently roll the ball under your foot.
- Once you find a spot that is tender, stop and point your toes up and down.
- Roll on the ball for one to two minutes.
- Stand with chest against a stability ball, rested on a wall, legs straight out behind you until heel isn’t touching the floor.
- Shift your weight all to one leg with the other leg resting on the back of the working leg. Slightly bend your knee.
- Go up on your toes, then come all the way back down until heel touches the floor.
- Repeat the motion with working leg straight. Perform exercise with foot pointing straight and foot turned outwards.
- If this is too difficult, you can perform with both feet on the ground.
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